Snow DaffodilsWhat the flurries?! We had a few inches of soggy snow on the ground this morning. This should not surprise anyone living in this area. It is still unpleasant to wake up to though, especially when there are bulbs blooming. The temperatures are just cold enough to allow for snow, so hopefully the flowers blooming right now will not be harmed.

These daffodils in the Lot’s south bed were just beginning to open. Also with color in their buds and starting to bloom are the ice-stick tulips and scilla.

When I compared my photo notes of this month from the past few years, the bulbs on the Lot this spring seem to trailing about a week behind the 2009 schedule. Conversely, last spring at this time all the tulips were already blooming in the south bed. Spring will arrive when it’s ready to, I suppose.


2 thoughts on “WTF?!

  1. I love it that you are such a gardening nerd that you can compare pics from previous years at a particular time to measure progress.

  2. Oh my. I have so many pictures. Digital cameras make it easy to run around the garden and snap photos for a quick, time-stamped reference. Our neighbors must think I’m nuts. “She was just out here a few days ago taking pictures of that shrub!”

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