Veggies Version 2.0

A quick note to log the second season of planting the raised veggie beds! We believe that last year we may have planted too early. This year we waited an additional week before beginning our veggies. We do not have a good area to start veggies inside, so sowing directly into the soil is the start of the vegetable growing season on the Lot.

The large pile of leaves and grass clippings we had dumped into the beds last fall had shrunk quite a bit from breaking down. As the snow melted, I began turning over the beds with a pitchfork like I would with the compost pile. There were wonderfully fat, happy nightcrawlers already on the move in the beds. Yay for worms!

Before planting, we filled the beds back in with very aged (about 2-3 years old)  horse manure. It’s wonderfully rich and dark soil. After turning this into the already stirred beds, we planted our seeds. We used seeds leftover from last year, so hopefully they are still good. This is what we planted:

  • Teton Hybrid Spinach
  • Red Cored Chantenay Carrots
  • French Breakfast Radish
  • Green Onions
  • Melting Sugar Snow Peas