More Spring Cleaning

This late afternoon was spent cleaning up the fence and gate beds. A lot of fall leaves and winter-damaged leaves from the perennials were caught up in the emerging spring bulbs and shoots.The weeds are beginning to grow as well.  While I was cleaning, I noticed a few more plants sending shoots out of the ground.

Here’s the list:

  • Gayfeather
  • False Indigo
  • Key West Astilbe
  • Toad Lily
  • Painted Fern

As I was cleaning, I enjoyed the icestick tulips that have opened and joined the color of the grape hyacinth in those beds. The crowded tulips reminded me I have to research how to trim woody herbs like Winter Savory and Lavender. I am not sure if I should cut them back or if it’s even possible to divide them.

The Queen of the Night tulips look like a group of bouncers around the rapidly growing poppy. I will have to move those bulbs around this fall. When the wooden stakes used for irises become warped and worn out, I chop them down into shorter lengths to use as markers. The tulips will be marked while they’re blooming so I can remember where they are when the spent leaves die back and the poppy goes dormant.

After cleaning the beds, I snuck up front to the South side of the Lot to see what other activity had occurred since the 15th. Despite the snow Monday morning, the daffodils by the front stairs are in full bloom. The vinca beneath the tree is also beginning to bloom. Among the vinca are tons of little tree saplings beginning to grow. My gardening friend, Miss A, suggested finding several sets of small fingers to weed the sprouts from the vinca. I will keep this in mind for when my friends’ kids are old enough to do so.