Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – July 2011

Oy with the crazy summer schedules! I still was able to run outside early this evening and snap some photos for Bloom Day. Early morning and early evening provide the most interesting lighting when one is out and about with a camera in the garden. I love how the coneflower shot turned out. Anyway, here we go:

Balloon Flower
Balloon Flower

Thank you as always to May Dreams Gardens for hosting this fun event! Be sure to head over there and check out everyone’s beautiful July blooms.

5 thoughts on “Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – July 2011

  1. I find your photos fabulous! Early morning and early evening are my favorite times for light, too. Everything looks softer. You inspire me to try to snap one of my cucumber blooms. Thanks!

    1. Thank you, Curtis Ann. I take so many photos of the garden to journal progress, odds are I will end up with a few great snapshots. Thank you for stopping by!

  2. Love your photos – the balloon flower looks very impressive when photographed well! Love your coneflower and the cucumber flower!
    Happy GBBD 🙂

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