Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – October 2011

I love the fall season. I love the colors. I love the cool weather. I love the scent of the damp leaves. My favorite season has arrived! However, for this Bloom Day post, I noticed there are not many new things happening on the Lot. Here are a few snapshots.

Toad Lilies
Ribbit! The toad lilies are on schedule.
This sedum’s blooms looked almost fuzzy.
2 year old clematis

In addition to blooms on the Lot, I wanted to include a few more unique specimens from our city. The first week of October was the wrap-up of a rather large art festival that takes place here. While strolling about with my Other Half, I snapped a few photos of what was in bloom.

Field of Daisies
Metal Garden
A Variety of Blooms
Fish Tree
??? , but wonderful nonetheless!

Thank you to May Dreams Gardens for hosting Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. Can’t wait to see what is blooming in other people’s gardens!

6 thoughts on “Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – October 2011

  1. I love the field of daisies! I planted a Toad Lily this year (which the deer ate)… Hopefully it will return next spring and I’ll have a bloom to share! Happy GBBD 🙂

  2. Nice post…I know that feeling of not seeming to have things in bloom…then I look closer and realize there is more than I thought! Love that Clematis.

  3. Hi Jane,
    I saw your comment on someone else’s GBBD post. I came here because you said you were zone 5. I am, too. I live in Nebraska. There are not many garden bloggers here that I have been able to find.

    I’ve been seeing toad lilies on blog posts. I’ve never grown them. I want to try. Your sedum sure is pretty. I love the art blooms, too.

    1. Hello Sue,
      Yes, the Lot is located in mid-Michigan, so we fall into Zone 5b. It’s a lot of fun browsing through other gardeners’ blogs and finding what is blooming in their region. Even between the two of us, I notice you still have Black-eyed Susans putting on a display while mine have been finished for awhile.

      Thank you so much for stopping by my garden diary. Looking forward to your future posts!

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