Category Archives: fieldtrip

Florida’s Magnificent Dune Plants

I’m currently bumming around in Zone 9 while visiting family. We hung out on the Cape Canaveral shoreline near Jetty Park to watch a rocket launch. Afterward, I was allowed time to poke along the line of vegetation on the beautiful dune shoreline. Here are a few shots.

ipomoea pes-capraeThis guy is the Beach Morning Glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae). I immediately noticed it because of the plant’s long reaching vines snaking down from the edge of the tree line toward the water. This plant can tolerate the intense heat from the dune sands, making it one of the few plants able to reach so close to the waterfront. Because of this, it plays an important part in keeping the lower area of the dunes from deteriorating.
ipomoea pes-caprae2
In addition, we spotted some Prickly Pear (Opuntina compressa), Beach Sunflower (Helianthus debilis), and Indian Blanket Flower (Gaillardia pulchella). There is a Blanket Flower on the Lot, but the blanket flowers here were sprinkled all over. Apparently it is a very common plant in the dune environment.

I snapped photos of other plants as well, but am still in the process of identifying them. My Other Half has been emailing me photos of what’s been blooming in the Lot while I am away. All the tulips are finally open and the white bleeding heart is in bloom. Should have some nice photos for this coming bloom day!