Category Archives: bulbs

Spring Arrivals

We did it! We made it through another cold, dark winter. The Spring equinox has passed, the first robin was spotted, and now freckles of color are appearing on the Lot.

From left to right are the winter aconite (Eranthis cilicica), crocus (Crocus tommasinianus), and snow drops (Galanthus).

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – March 2018

It is challenging being a gardener in Zone 6 at this time of year. It is especially challenging when you’re a gardener in Zone 6 this time of year and have had the opportunity to befriend gardeners in Zones 7-9. They are awash in spring blooms and you are still eagerly awaiting the first stir of early spring bulbs!

Well the Other Half and I not only saw our first robin this past week or so, but we finally have those ephemeral beauties showing up on the Lot. First to appear this season are the Other Half’s favorite spring bulb, the snowdrop (Galanthus). First the snowdrops by the house foundation popped up.

Those were closely followed by a handful in the backyard bed. Several days afterward, the cheery yellow winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) joined the party.

I really enjoy the splashes of bright color brought to the garden by this little member of the buttercup family. Here is it again in another part of the backyard bed.

And shortly on the aconites’ heels is the crocus. We have purple, yellow, and white with purple stripe variations on the Lot.

In the front south bed the daffodils (Narcissus) are breaking ground…

…and so are the tulips (Tulipa) in the southwest bed!

Not just the bulbs are waking up. Some of the early-to-rise perennials on the Lot are stirring as well, like this lenten rose (Helleborus). Just purchased last season, this is the first time I’ll see the lovely sepals of Sandy Shore, part of the HoneyMoon Series by Walters Gardens, Inc. hybridizer Hans Hansen.

With the annual Smart Gardening conference behind me and the first signs of spring stirring on the Lot, the gardening bug is worse than ever right now! I can’t wait to get out into the garden and officially begin the season.

Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – April 2016

Warmer weather has arrived at the time of this Bloom Day, a garden bloggers’ meme where gardeners across the world share what is currently blooming in their gardens. This April on the Lot is dappled in blues, lavenders, and yellows. The snowdrops, tommies, and aconite have faded, but the remaining early spring bulbs are now in bloom.

Early Spring Bulbs Gate Bed

Here is a photo of the soon to be developed, additional backyard bed where we planted a serviceberry shrub last Fall. Glory of the Snow (Chinodoxa luciliae), Blue Squill (Scilla siberica), and Tete-a-tete Daffodil (Narcissus ‘Tete-a-tete’) add little dashes of color around the budding shrub.

Early Spring Bulbs

Also blooming in the backyard are the Ice Stick tulips, which remind me of fried eggs when completely open in full sun.

ice stick tulips

Here is one of the many early pollinators I found around the tulips and other early Spring bulbs when snapping photos for Bloom Day.

bee Ice Stick Tulip

Here is an up close and personal looks at both the Glory of the Snow (with bee) and the Blue Squill.

Bee on Glory of the Snow

Blue Squill

Around front in the South bed, the Lot’s more familiar Spring arrivals are beginning to appear. These daffodils near the front steps always have the prettiest ruffles and frills.

Double Daffodils

And last but not least, our lovely Lenten Rose (Hellebore) in Loki’s bed.

Lenten Rose

There were a few times during the extreme temperature swings this Spring I worried about frost damaging this plant. However, being well established now and the first perennial plant on the Lot every season, it sort of shrugged off the frost each morning and gradually recovered throughout the day. It does a great job brightening up the shade bed where is lives.

lenten Rose Flower

Beyond some cheery violets and violas, that is about it for the Lot this month. To see more beautiful, Spring blooms, check out May Dreams Gardens.