At the home & garden show. Yearning for that Spring color!
On-the-go Gardening
One of the gardening blogs I like to read is Garden Rant. Last summer I was browsing the blog as normal and found a link to something going on in San Francisco called “Garden Bloggers Fling.” Well, it had just happened. I followed the link anyway and found the blog for Garden Bloggers Fling: Bringing Garden Bloggers Together. It’s an annual hosting of garden bloggers in a selected city. They meet over a long weekend and tour the city’s gardens and nurseries. It sounds pretty much amazing.
So, at that point I decided I would be going to the 2014 Fling. Later I learned it was in Portland! Well, today I jumped at the registration announcement and made it. I cannot wait to meet all the other gardeners from across the country and possibly a few from outside of it. Now to secure a room and a flight!