Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – June 2012

June already! Here is what is happening on the Lot this month:

This month the Lady’s Mantle is in bloom. It seems to have really benefited from the spring pruning it received back in March. It’s also playing really nice with the Chocolate Chip Bugleweed planted along East side of the house.

Ladys Mantle in Bloom

Out in the back alley bed are several new sedums brought home from the annual Spring nursery crawl. This little guy was purchased as a Jelly Bean Sedum (Sedum album Athoum). However, I think we lucked out and got a two for one. I’m unsure if  the blooms here belong to the Jelly Bean or to the other sedum growing with it.

Jellybean Sedum

I relocated the perennial Bachelor’s Button to the back alley bed because it had grown huge and began collapsing outward from the center of the plant. It was squishing everyone else in the bed. It is getting pretty warm already to move plants, but I took the chance anyway. Seemingly immediately after the change, the little Coreopsis behind it sprang up and into bloom.


Also in the same bed along the gate, the Loosestrife bloomed for the first time since it arrived on the Lot. I believe this is it’s third year. Behind it is the Snow Angel Coral Bell.


A couple of years ago we grew Hollyhock on the Lot. The plants suffered from a bout of rust and weevils. I grew frustrated and decided to take a break from growing the plants. Apparently the Lot had other plans. These came close to being pulled out this past Spring, but not recognizing the young plants, I decided to leave them alone and see what happened.


The prize of this year’s nursery crawl was a Sweet Tea Coral Bell. It was at the top of my list after I spotted it at a Home & Garden show this past March. I found it on the crawl and happily plunked it down onto the Lot. It is absolutely lovely. The foliage is so beautiful and I’m really digging how the early evening sunlight hits those flowers.

Sweet Tea Coral Bell

Last but not least is this little Bellflower. It is snuggled into Loki’s bed and is blooming for the first time. This seems to be a common theme on the Lot this season.

Thank you as always to May Dreams Gardens for hosting Bloom Day!