Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – November 2011

November Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is here! The main changes on the Lot over the past few months have been foliage. Yellows, golds, oranges, fiery reds, and deep reds have all appeared in one place or another. Here are a few snapshots.

This is a rosebush I received a few summers ago from my gardening friend, Mrs. J. You can see some semi-circles trimmed from the shrub by leaf-cutter bees. Wish I could catch those little guys in action.

Here are stalks of Maiden Hair Grass, with the opened seed heads. Once the grass blooms and the seed heads open up, they look like tufts of spiral-shaped cotton.

Here is a corn flower that is still blooming. This perennial is one of our longest blooming plants on the Lot.

And last, but not least, I wanted to include the rogue pumpkin vine that snaked out of the compost bin and toward the sunny area of the backyard without any gardener’s aid. Unfortunately, it will not ripen enough for harvest, but will provide a tasty treat for some squirrels.

Be sure to check out May Dreams Gardens for more November Bloom Day posts!