Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – January 2012

Our winter has been extremely mild this season. However, just in time for December Bloom Day, we finally had a nice snowfall. It began Friday morning with a rain/sleet mixture which eventually turned to a heavy, wet snow by late afternoon. This weighed down many plant and shrubs in the garden so the branches and stems bowed low toward the ground. During the evening, the snow continued. Saturday morning we awoke to fluffier looking snow, and full day full of lazy, fat snowflakes. Here are the December “blooms” on the Lot.

You can see how the weight of the wet snow collapsed most of the plants like this dappled willow and Autumn Joy sedum. I leave the dried stalks of the sedum throughout the winter because usually the snow on the spent blooms looks really pretty. This kinda looks like the plant went SPLAT. Part of the problem is that Autumn Joy is in dire need of being divided. Ah well, maybe February?

Had some high January Bloom Day hopes for the Maiden Grass as well. I think this shot still turned out quite pretty though. I know this is a very common grass, but boy howdy do I love it… especially in the fall and winter.

I have no idea what this shrub is, but it has some great winter interest with the blue-black berries it grows. You really do not see them well until the shrub grudgingly looses some more leaves in mid-winter.

Can’t wait to see what else is blooming in other gardens over at May Dreams Gardens, the hostess of this Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day! I will try my hardest not to have bloom envy.

8 thoughts on “Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – January 2012

  1. You may not have many flowers, but your photographs are gorgeous. Beauty is beauty, floral or not! Happy GBBD!

  2. Thanks for the visit Jane! Sorry, no idea what Hellebore I have, it came with the garden. I do enjoy it, the lime green lights up the shade in winter.

    Great to see your garden under its cover of snow – brings back memory of my childhood in Europe many years ago. Happy bloom day!

  3. I always love to see freshly fallen snow in pictures like this. I want also to go out and walk on it, because we don’t get snow, not even frost. We only have 2 seasons, the wet and dry seasons. So there, you can imagine we have continuously blooming plants. I wish to provide some colors of warmth to those under deep winter right now.

    1. How interesting, Andrea. Having four seasons here in Zone 5b, I never thought of the challenges a gardener would face with two season… wet and dry. ^_~

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