Veggies 2.1

Today my Other Half and I planted more veggies in the raised beds. Last year we planted both the warm weather seeds and starter plants on May 29th. Seeds for cucumbers, pole beans, and okra were planted this afternoon. I also dropped some Detroit Dark Red Beet seeds behind the sprouted snow peas. The beet seeds should have been put in last month, but we’re going to give it a try anyway. Last year we learned one kale plant can sustain a household of two. There is no need for 4 kale plants.

The first visit to the Farmers’ Market will be made this week. While there, I plan to purchase two pepper plants, two tomato plants, a kale plant and some rainbow swiss chard. Both the pepper plants and kale purchased last year from the market were fantastic, healthy plants. All varieties of the heirloom tomatoes from the market were unruly and became ill. I believe this was more because of our raising of the tomato plants than the species itself. However, we are going to try a more standard type of tomato this year.

I already have both the genovese and thai basil seedlings purchased. The seedlings are waiting atop the buffet in the sun. All remaining plants will be planted over Memorial Day weekend. In our zone, this is a fairly safe benchmark for planting seedlings outside as danger of frost has passed. Last year there were only a few evenings after Memorial Day requiring the warm weather veggie plants to be covered by an old bedsheet overnight to protect them from frost.

1 thought on “Veggies 2.1

  1. Great shout-out for buying plants at the Farmer’s Market. I always forget that they sell them. I bought both premium tomato plants and regular 4 for $1.29 tomato plants at Fruitbasket, which are all good, but my neighbor bought tomato plants at the Farmer’s Market, and they were already budding and much more advanced than mine. Hopefully I’ll remember that next year.

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