After a frosty week, we had beautiful weather this weekend. All of our snow is gone except for a small pile behind the garage. Instead of doing the usual gardening reading/research the last two days, I was outside in the yard. Here are a few things I managed to accomplish.
- majority of the leaves were cleaned up
- emptied some planters that should have been emptied last fall. I have three terra cotta pots to mend.
- compost pile tidied up
- crazy, wooden vine not yet identified was trimmed back and pulled out of the fence and gutters
- day lilies were cleaned up
- gardening tools cleaned and sharpened
- backyard measured out for landscaping map
- pruning date set with Miss A
- husks/roots of old wildflowers pulled from front bed
- tons of awesome seeds received from Mr. D
More later. Now I have to transfer my backyard measurements to my drawing program.